About me

I am a medical researcher situated in Aachen, Germany working in Prof. Schupperts group at the Joint Research Center of Computational Biomedicine.

My focus is on predictive modeling in timeseries data, utilizing Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for improved patient outcome. Further I am supporting the adaptation of High Performance Computing in German University Hospitals through my work in the Simulation and Data Lab of NHR4CES.

In my free time I enjoy a good coffee and exploring some creativity through photo/video or music.

What i'm doing

  • design icon

    Project Conceptualization

    Interdisciplinary communication is key to building a better future.

  • Web development icon

    Open Source

    Teaching and embracing good software practices for research.

  • mobile app icon

    Modern Presentation

    Scientific communication should be engaging and modern.

  • camera icon


    I really enjoy documenting events with a personal touch.



  1. Postdoc at JRC COMBINE

    2024 — ongoing

    After having finished my PhD in 2024, I continued my work at the group of Prof. Schuppert at the JRC COMBINE in Aachen, Germany.

  2. Ph.D. Student at JRC COMBINE

    2018 — 20024

    During my PhD I focused on developing predictors for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients.

  3. Master Student at Maastricht University

    2016 — 2018

    My focus during the studies in Maastricht was on natural language processing and machine learning. Sentiment analysis and topic modeling, as well as deep learning, were core topics of my work.

  4. Bachelor Student in Aachen, Germany

    2013 — 2016

    My bachelor studies were focused on the basics of computer science and mathematics. I worked at a CNC machine simulation software company during this time, gaining first practical programming knowledge.



    2023 — Present

    The EDITH Coordination and Support Action (CSA) is tasked with defining a roadmap to transition from separate single organ systems to data- and knowledge-driven multi-organ, fully integrated whole-body twins.

  2. SDL Digital Patient

    2023 — ongoing

    The Simulation and Data Lab Digital Patient (SDL Digital Patient) is part of NHR4CES, a project to support the adaptation of High Performance Computing (HPC) in German University Hospitals. In this context we target clinicians and researchers with suitable data but not necessarily the computational background to utilize it, to enable them to perform simulations and data analysis on HPC infrastructure.

  3. CCLS

    2023 — ongoing

    The Center for Computational Life Sciences (CCLS) is a infrastructure initiative of the RWTH Aachen University. It is a platform for interdisciplinary research in the field of computational life sciences. My role in the CCLS is focused on visibility and communication, as well as education and training.

  4. SMITH

    2018 — 2023

    Within the Smart Medical Technology for Healthcare (SMITH) project, I developed a predictive model for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients as part of the Algorithmic Surveillance in Intensive Care (ASIC) project.


  • Data-Driven Modeling
  • Python Programming
  • Research Software Development
  • High Performance Computing
  • Workshops / Teaching
  • Outreach and Media
  • Coordination and Organization




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